Upcoming Talk: Legal Issues for Online Sellers

September 27, 2012

Update: The article from the talk is now available on my law firm website here.

My next scheduled talk is on Legal Issues for Online Sellers,  at the Sellers’ Conference for Online Entrepreneurs (SCOE) 2012 this Sunday, September 30, 2012 here in Seattle.

I am going to provide an overview of the legal issues you need to be aware of as an on-line seller. I will start with the basics, including what form of business entity you should be and why and where to register that entity, and a review of the Amazon and eBay seller agreements. Then I will cover a number of other important legal issues facing the on-line seller. These businesses touch upon many different areas of law. Most of them are technology related. The law is constantly changing as it tries to keep up with the changes in technology.

I hope to turn that talk into an article available for download on my law firm website and into a series of blog entries.